Horikin, A traditional Japanese tattoo artist, here turned his attention to Kintarō (Golden Boy), one of the most popular characters in all Japanese folklore and fact, combining a local fertility god with an actual historical figure. Kintarō was a child, a kind of Superboy, incredible strength and perseverance have served as ideal for a thousand years. Naked and red-complexioned, children depicted in art as a combat and the bow of a giant carp. Kintarō legend is central to the celebration of Boy's Day each year on May 5. Families with young fly paper or cloth carp on tall ribbons outside their homes to symbolize their Kintaros inside. The common carp (Koi) was the King of Fish River to eat. One ancient Chinese tale tells how the brave carp leapt a waterfall and a dragon. The common carp when caught waiting for the knife without flinching.