Maybe some people have heard rumors that swallowed gum stays in the stomach for 7 years. But the news is not true. Although chewing gum is not digested by the stomach like other foods, but the digestive system can move through the intestine and activities will be wasted through the feces during defecation children.
But that does not mean swallowing chewing gum are not dangerous. As quoted from Kidshealth, Sunday (3/1/2010), if ingested gum is often lost in large or small gum-small can be dangerous as can inhibit the digestive tract.
Young children usually do not understand that gum is different from the usual candy consumed, because this candy is not only to be chewed swallowed like any other candy. We recommend that children under 5 years are not given chewing gum, because at that age a child can not understand that chewing gum should not be swallowed.
Chewing gum is usually made from sweeteners, flavorings and synthetic materials (gum resin). The human body can absorb sweeteners such as sugar and calories can increase if the chewing gum contains sugar high. But the human digestive tract can not digest the gum resin. Usually with the help of peristaltic movements of intestines (colon push the material), then the gum will come out when the BAB.
One of the greatest danger if they eat the gum is swallowed child choking risk. This usually occurs in children who do not have a mechanism to chew and swallow well. Because if a child is choking and closed the windpipe, it can make breathing difficult child and be fatal as death.
The average older children or adults have less risk of harmful if swallowed gum. But there is nothing wrong if the parent gives understanding first before giving her son the gum.