Sand digger in Hamlet Singget, Menden Village, District KRADENAN, Blora, Central Java, found fossils of ancient giant buffalo, Thursday (3/12/2009).
Buffalo fossil was found in the area of the excavation of sand, riverbank Bengawan Solo, Blora. This accidental discovery was reported to the team next vertebrate and paleontology to be further investigated.
Buffalo fossil was found in the area of the excavation of sand, riverbank Bengawan Solo, Blora. This accidental discovery was reported to the team next vertebrate and paleontology to be further investigated.
Fossil buffalo head that almost resembles stone, was first discovered by Suparjan. He was originally suspected, the object he found was the skeleton of an elephant, as he had been found in the intact condition, some time ago.
Suparjan was eventually picked up the horns and skull fossil named Bubalus palaeokarabau Latin, from the furrows, with a crowbar and shovel.
No doubt, this finding was immediately shocking residents of this hamlet. They flocked to see directly this scientific findings. Local residents claimed, was the first time at the size of a buffalo horn until it reaches three feet more. In addition there are also horns remaining untapped fossil suspected spine of these animals.
source : http://unic77.blogspot.com/2009/12/fosil-kerbau-purba-raksasa-ditemukan-di.html