ROCKFORD, IL – Starting September 9th, the Rockford area will be playing host to the cast and crew of ABC’s Extreme Home Makeover – and Culligan will be playing its part. This morning, the Stott family of Lena, Ill. was notified they had been selected to be the recipients of the show’s newest structure.
Rock Valley Culligan will be installing a commercial grade water softener, and a reverse osmosis filtration system to the 3,400 square-foot home. The R.O. will provide clean drinking water for the kitchen sink, as well as water for the refrigerator dispenser and ice maker. The Culligan dealer from Freeport, Ill. will also be providing drinking water and volunteers.
According to an Extreme Home Makeover press release, “the Stott family are wonderful ambassadors of the spirit of community in northwest Illinois.” The family had experienced a house fire and a bout with leukemia.
“We are very excited to be able to contribute to such a great project that rewards such wonderful area residents,” says Jeff Larson, general manager of Rock Valley Culligan. “My staff and I are ready to work alongside our neighbors in the community to help a family in need. We are very excited to begin the installation.”
While the project begins September 9th, Culligan will be doing its part of the construction a few days later on the 12th.
source : http://waterwiseguy.blogspot.com/2009/09/move-that-bus-culligan-delivers-big-to.html